Big Jazz River

開演30分前 開店  3ステージ入替なし
オーダーは休憩時間にのみお伺い致します  ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ご了承下さいませ

お問い合わせ・ご予約はこちらからどうぞ → mail ←contact

Opening the doors is 30 minutes before starting performance
3sets .... Come and go as you like
Musicians or time will change according to circumstances
No smoking, cell-phones off, and order during breaktime, please
No pictures with shutter sound.

map  Big River

2013/1/6 sun 7:00 ¥3000

ON + Sara

Sara Rector vo
Tomoya Hara
Yuma Hara g
Pat Glynn b
Ben Yamakoshi ds